Abdominal (Kub) X-ray
Abdominal X-ray is a commonly performed diagnostic X-ray examination that
produces images of the organs in the abdominal cavity including the stomach,
liver, intestines and spleen.
When an abdominal X-ray is performed to provide pictures of the kidneys,
ureters and bladder, it’s called a KUB X-ray.
What to Bring
- Your physician order (your physician may have already sent this to us)
- Personal identification
- Insurance card(s)
How to Prepare for Your Abdominal X-Ray
- An abdominal X-ray requires no special preparation.
- You will be asked to remove some of your clothes and to wear a gown during
the exam. You may also be asked to remove jewelry and any metal objects
or clothing that might interfere with the X-ray images. We encourage you
to leave valuable jewelry at home.
- You should inform your X-Ray technologist if you have had a barium sulfate
contrast material X-ray or if you have taken any medicines such as Pepto
Bismol in the last few days, as they may interfere with the X-ray.
- You will be asked to empty your bladder before the test.
- Women should inform their X-Ray technologist if they have an intrauterine
device (IUD) inserted for pregnancy prevention.
- Women should always inform their X-Ray technologist if there is any possibility
that they are pregnant. An abdominal X-ray is usually not performed on
pregnant women so as not to expose the baby to radiation. The ovaries
and uterus cannot be shielded during the abdominal X-ray because of their location.
- If you have an on-body device (insulin pumps, insulin regulators, Neulasta,
other chemo pumps, etc), you must inform your X-ray technologist. These
devices cannot be in the X-ray room during your exam.
What to Expect
- The technologist will position you on the X-ray table. You may be asked
to wear a lead shield to help protect certain parts of your body. The
X-ray machine will be positioned over your abdominal area.
- You must hold very still and may be asked to hold your breath for a few
seconds while the X-ray picture is taken to reduce the possibility of
a blurred image. The technologist will walk behind a wall or into the
next room to activate the X-ray machine.
- The technologist may ask you to lie on your side or to stand up for additional
images. The standing position will allow the radiologist to see if there
are any blockages or perforations in your digestive tract.
- The entire abdominal X-ray examination, from positioning to obtaining and
verifying the images, is usually completed within 15-20 minutes.
What will I experience during and after the procedure?
- An abdominal X-ray examination is painless.
- You may experience discomfort from the cool temperature in the examination
room or the hardness of the X-ray table. You may find that the positions
you need to hold are uncomfortable, especially if you have an injury.
- The technologist will assist you in finding the most comfortable position
possible to ensure diagnostic image quality.
- Follow-up examinations may be necessary. Sometimes a follow-up exam is
done because a potential abnormality needs further evaluation with additional
views. Sometimes your provider would like a special technique performed
which would only be done upon request.